The one-hour Mariah Carey's Homecoming Special show aired on FOX on December 14, 1999. Mariah taped a special concert at the gymnasium of her former junior high school, Harborfields High School, located in Greenlawn, New York. In attendance to the musical guests, the concert special was attended by students from the school as well as children from her Camp Mariah program, a charity dedicated to inner-city kids.
“I have such vivid memories of junior high and high school and how hard it is just to exist from day to day,” Mariah explained. “But I feel it's important to relay the message that anything is possible if you find an inner peace which allows you to overcome any obstacle.”
The special also features interviews with Mariah's former principal, teachers, and old classmates, and in a statement announcing the Homecoming show, the singer said that she was inspired to return to her old school because of the outbreak of violence and trouble at schools the previous year, including the shooting at Columbine High School.
Heartbreaker Remix / Heartbreaker (featuring Da Brat & Jay-Z)
Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)
Vision Of Love
Fantasy (Bad Boy Remix)
Can't Take That Away (Mariah's Theme)
Rainbow Interlude / Hero
Thank God I Found You (featuring Joe & 98 Degrees)