Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You is an animated film based on Mariah's Christmas song and book that was directed by Guy Vasilovich and released on November 13, 2017. Mariah voices herself as the narrator, while Breanna Yde plays Younger Mariah, Henry Winkler plays Grandpa Bill and Mariah's children Monroe and Moroccan play younger Mariah's friends Michelle and Dougie.
The film's soundtrack was released alongside the film, featuring songs from Mariah's two previous Christmas album, as well as the brand new song “Lil Snowman,” written by Mariah and Harvey Mason, Jr.
When little Mariah (Breanna Yde) sees a darling little puppy named “Princess” at the pet store, she suddenly knows exactly what she wants for Christmas. Before her Christmas wish can come true, she must prove that she can dog-sit her uncle's dog, Jack, a scraggly rascal; in fact, the worst dog in the county! Naughty Jack turns Mariah and her family's Christmas preparations upside down in hilarious ways. It wasn't exactly the Christmas she wished for… it was more than she ever wanted.