The Star

The Star is a computer-animated biblical comedy film directed by Timothy Reckart and written by Carlos Kotkin and Simon Moore, based on an original concept by Tom Sheridan. The film was released on November 17, 2017, grossing $62 million worldwide. It is produced by Sony Pictures Animation, with partnership from Walden Media, Affirm Films and The Jim Henson Company, and stars the voices of Steven Yeun, Gina Rodriguez, Zachary Levi, Keegan-Michael Key, Kelly Clarkson, Patricia Heaton, Kristin Chenoweth, Tracy Morgan, Tyler Perry, and Oprah Winfrey.

Mariah, who has a small role as Rebecca, also sang the soundtrack's main theme, “The Star.” The song, produced with Marc Shaiman, was nominated for Best Original Song at the 75th Golden Globe Awards. “The Star is a movie about the real reason for the holiday season and since it's told from the animal's perspective there's a lot of humor and fun for the entire family,” Mariah said. “It is a fun family movie for the holidays and it's also the title of the song that I wrote for the movie with Marc Shaiman.”

The Star
The Star
Press Conference
The Star Trailer
The Star Soundtrack


In Sony Pictures Animation's The Star a small but brave donkey named Bo yearns for a life beyond his daily grind at the village mill. One day he finds the courage to break free, and finally goes on the adventure of his dreams. On his journey, he teams up with Ruth, a loveable sheep who has lost her flock and Dave, a dove with lofty aspirations. Along with three wisecracking camels and some eccentric stable animals, Bo and his new friends follow the Star and become unlikely heroes in the greatest story ever told — the first Christmas.


Steven Yeun
Steven Yeun
Gina Rodriguez
Gina Rodriguez
Zachary Levi
Zachary Levi
Keegan-Michael Key
Keegan-Michael Key
Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson